Uno studio lancia
l’allarme sull’esposizione dei bambini al Wi-Fi , di conseguenza all’uso dei
tablet e cellulari connessi da parte dei più piccoli con questa tecnologia.
L’argomento non è
affatto controverso ( come invece molti sostengono ) , incominciano ad essere
molte le ricerche che mettono in discussione tale tecnologia.
La ricerca suggerisce ai genitori di limitare
l’esposizione dei figli al Wi-Fi.
a Environmental Health Trust, USA
b University of California, San Diego, USA
Received 4 April
2014, Revised 3 June 2014, Accepted 24 June 2014, Available online 15 July 2014
Children absorb more
microwave radiation (MWR) than adults.
MWR is a Class 2B
(possible) carcinogen.
The fetus is in
greater danger than children from exposure to MWR.
The legal exposure
limits have remained unchanged for decades.
Cellphone manuals
warnings and the 20 cm rule for tablets/laptops violate the “normal operating
position” regulation.
Computer simulation using MRI scans of children is the only possible way to
determine the microwave radiation (MWR) absorbed in specific tissues in
children. Children absorb more MWR than adults because their brain tissues are
more absorbent, their skulls are thinner and their relative size is smaller.
MWR from wireless devices has been declared a possible human carcinogen. Children
are at greater risk than adults when exposed to any carcinogen. Because the
average latency time between first exposure and diagnosis of a tumor can be
decades, tumors induced in children may not be diagnosed until well into
adulthood. The fetus is particularly vulnerable to MWR. MWR exposure can result
in degeneration of the protective myelin sheath that surrounds brain neurons.
MWR-emitting toys are being sold for use by young infants and toddlers. Digital
dementia has been reported in school age children. A case study has shown when
cellphones are placed in teenage girls’ bras multiple primary breast cancer
develop beneath where the phones are placed. MWR exposure limits have remained
unchanged for 19 years. All manufacturers of smartphones have warnings which
describe the minimum distance at which phone must be kept away from users in
order to not exceed the present legal limits for exposure to MWR. The exposure
limit for laptop computers and tablets is set when devices are tested 20 cm
away from the body. Belgium, France, India and other technologically
sophisticated governments are passing laws and/or issuing warnings about
children's use of wireless devices.
- MRI, magnetic resonance imaging;
- MWR, microwave radiation;
- CNS, central nervous system;
- FDTD, finite-difference, time-domain;
- GBM, glioblastoma multiforme (also called glioblastoma);
- cm, centimeter
Read HERE the complete study