pubblicazione scientifica di Olle Johansson, noto ricercatore svedese dell’Istituto
Karolinska insieme a Dr. Dimitris J. Panagopoulos e Dr. George L. Carlo, che conferma
quanto viene ribadito da anni ;
ovvero che è la polarizzazione causata dalla pulsazione dei campi
elettromagnetici artificiali a creare i danni biologici e non la densità di
potenza ( Se ne era parlato anche al Convegno Internazionale di
Potenza Picena del 2013 ).
Polarization: A Key Difference between Man-made and
Natural Electromagnetic Fields, in regard to Biological Activity
Dimitris J. Panagopoulos1,2,3,
Olle Johansson4, George L. Carlo5
1 National
Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", Athens, Greece.
2 Department
of Biology, University of Athens, Greece.
3 Radiation
and Environmental Biophysics Research Centre, Greece. (D.J.P)
Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. (O.J.)
5 The Science and
Public Policy Institute, Institute for Healthful Adaptation, Washington, D.C.,
U.S.A. (G.L.C.)
Solar electromagnetic radiation incident upon a human
body is normally more than ten times stronger than corresponding radiation from
a digital mobile phone handset upon a human head during “talk” emission.
Similarly, infrared radiation from every human body at normal temperature has
significantly larger incident intensity, and exposure duration on any human
than most artificial electromagnetic field (EMF) sources. Why is then the first
beneficial while the latter seem to be detrimental? In the present study we show
that the increased adverse biological
action of man-made EMFs is due to the fact that they are all polarized in
contrast to all natural ones which are not. Polarization is thus a
parameter of utmost importance, largely underestimated - up to today - in the
EMF-bioeffects literature, and not taken into account in the existing exposure
The present study in combination with the “Ion
Forced-Oscillation theory” (
shows that environmentally accounted EMF intensities from power lines or mobile
phone antennas are strong enough to potentially disrupt the function of any
living cell/organism. Therefore, “lack of mechanism” is not the case anymore.
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