La Commissione europea e il Comitato scientifico dei rischi sanitari emergenti e recentemente identificati (SCENIHR) ha lanciato una consultazione pubblica sul parere preliminare sulla 'Potenziali effetti sulla salute dell'esposizione ai campi elettromagnetici (CEM)' dal 4 febbraio fino al 16 di Aprile. Sono state presentate oltre 200 osservazioni e SCENIHR ora li sta analizzando accuratamente al fine di finalizzare un'oppinione.
The European Commission and the Scientific Committee on Emerging Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) launched a public consultation on the preliminary opinion on 'Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF)' from the 4th of February until the 16th of Avril. More than 200 comments have been submitted and the SCENIHR is now thoroughly analysing them in order to finalise the opinion.
The purpose of this opinion is to update the SCENIHR opinions of 19 January 2009 (Health effects of exposure to EMF) and 6 July 2009 (Research needs and methodology to address the remaining knowledge gaps on the potential health effects of EMF) in the light of newly available information, and to give special consideration to areas where important knowledge gaps were identified in the previous opinion. In addition, biophysical interaction mechanisms and the potential role of co-exposures to other environmental agents are discussed.
In line with the Stakeholder Dialogue Procedures (Annex IV to the Rules of Procedures
of the Scientific Committees), SCENIHR sought feedback from the scientific community and stakeholders on the risk assessment related to the potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF).
As stated in the Rules of Procedures (Annex IV), a submission will not be considered if it is:
- submitted after the deadline set out in the call;
- presented in any form other than what is provided for in the instructions and template;
- not related to the contents of the document;
- contains complaints against institutions, personal accusations, irrelevant or offensive statements or material;
- is related to policy or risk management aspects, which is outside the scope of SCENIHR's activities.
The SCENIHR is now assessing all comments received from interested parties which were submitted in line with the criteria above to takethem into consideration, if found relevant.
A public hearing took place on 27 March 2014 in Athens, Greece to receive contributions on the topic of the preliminary opinion.
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- clicca qui per leggere il EUROPEAN MANIFESTO IN SUPPORT THE ECI