Quando si correggono gli errori di
impostazione ........ i risultati emergono in
tutta la loro veridicità.
Il progetto Interphone, promosso e coordinato dall’Agenzia
Internazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro ( IARC ), è uno studio caso-controllo
basato su interviste, finalizzato a valutare la relazione tra uso del telefono
cellulare e rischio di tumori cerebrali (gliomi e meningiomi) e di alcune altre
neoplasie (neurinomi del nervo acustico e tumori delle ghiandole salivari). Lo
studio è stato realizzato tra il 2000 e il 2004 in 13 Paesi, tra i quali
Ha dell’incredibile la revisione fatta da alcuni
ricercatori dello studio INTERPHONE, studio citato da molti “esperti” in Italia
per confutare l’esito delle sentenze di Ivrea e Firenze uscite il mese scorso.
Probabilistic multiple-bias modelling applied to the
Canadian data from the INTERPHONE study of mobile phone use and risk of glioma,
meningioma, acoustic neuroma, and parotid gland tumors.
Momoli F, Siemiatycki J, McBride ML, Parent MÉ, Richardson L, Bedard D, Platt R, Vrijheid M, Cardis E, Krewski D.
We undertook a re-analysis of the Canadian data from
the thirteen-country INTERPHONE case-control study (2001-2004), which evaluated
the association between mobile phone use and risk of brain, acoustic neuroma,
and parotid gland tumors. The main publication of the multinational INTERPHONE
study concluded that "biases and errors prevent a causal
interpretation". We applied a probabilistic multiple-bias model to address
possible biases simultaneously, using validation data from billing records and
non-participant questionnaires as information on recall error and selective
participation. Our modelling sought to adjust for these sources of uncertainty
and to facilitate interpretation. For glioma, the odds ratio comparing highest
quartile of use (over 558 lifetime hours) to non-regular users was 2.0 (95%
confidence interval: 1.2, 3.4). The odds ratio was 2.2 (95% confidence
interval: 1.3, 4.1) when adjusted for selection and recall biases. There was
little evidence of an increase in the risk of meningioma, acoustic neuroma, or
parotid gland tumors in relation to mobile phone use. Adjustments for selection
and recall biases did not materially affect interpretation in our Canadian
© The Author 2017. Published by Oxford
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